Here are some of our frequently asked questions. If you have a question, please call our dedicated team on 01797 252566 or email us on
+ How long does a deep clean take?
Typically a deep clean to an Operating Theatre will take between 6-8 hours, depending on the size of the unit.
+ Do I have to close the area being cleaned?
Yes. But we always carry out the deep cleans in Theatre down time - overnight or weekends.
+ Do I have to clear the areas?
Yes. In Theatre, all equipment should be collected together in the corner of the room, leaving enough space for our technicians to wash down the walls. All moveable objects should be removed from shelving etc... Posters, clocks etc. should be removed from walls. Other areas should receive the same treatment.
+ Do you supply PPE?
No. For Infection Control purposes, all PPE, including footwear, is supplied by Theatre.
+ How often should I deep clean?
NHS guidelines and other bodies suggest a six monthly deep clean to be carried out. However, some hospitals prefer quarterly cleans.
+ Do we have to do anything prior to Air Sampling?
Yes. The air handling unit must be left running for at least one hour prior to testing. No personnel must enter the area to be tested during this time.
+ I have a CQC audit coming up, what do I need?
Frequently, CQC inspectors will ask for a Certificate of Cleanliness for the Theatre to prove that deep cleaning is being carried out on a six monthly basis. Similarly, they often require copies of any microbiological air sampling results and subsequent Certification.
+ Do you issue certificates?
Yes. This is vital for any CQC Audit. Our certification of cleanliness is issued following every clean. Likewise, Air Quality Certificates are issued following Air Sampling if the lab results adhere to HTM 03-01 recommendations.